"We are developing intelligent logistics control."
Rosalie, Domain Lead BI Logistics Management
"At Otto, we rely on the expertise and knowledge of people. As a matter of principle, we build project teams cross-functionally, so that we think together from the tech and the business perspective right from the start of each project. This brings together very different perspectives and allows us to create truly innovative solutions together.
Our basic elements here are state-of-the-art technologies, significantly cloud, and the flexible use of our working tools remotely as well as in person.
The challenge in my team: intelligent logistics control based on near-real-time data."
"This means that operational data from the entire Otto supply chain is automatically translated into algorithmic control impulses in ever shorter periods of time. This results in highly efficient logistics processes that are more service-oriented, more cost-effective and also more sustainable. This means, for example, that based on our AI models we decide today to bring red T-shirts to our warehouses in southern Germany because we know that red T-shirts will most likely be ordered there tomorrow.
The ongoing optimization of our logistics processes based on data and AI, that's our approach to operational intelligence."
Here you can find more insights on the topic of "AI & Data" in our tech blog articles and information on how Rosalie's team works. Want to learn more about the topic? Listen to our O-TON episodes.
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