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We give the OTTO brand its visual finish.

User Experience

Our department looks at the webshop otto.de & the OTTO App (IOS & Android) through the eyes of the users. We develop solution models close to the users' needs and support agile product development with design thinking methods. Our team consists of UX managers and UX designers.

Good user experience for a great shopping experience at otto.de

Our greatest ambition is to provide our customers with a shopping experience that surprises and satisfies them repeatedly. In the UX area, we monitor the behavior of our customers at all otto.de touchpoints and use these findings to design new and optimized features. First of all, good user experience means that our users don't have to ask themselves: "What happens next? Where can I find this information? How does this work?". It also means that they have fun and feel good about using otto.de, our apps & co. For them, it means enjoying shopping and browsing, discovering new things, and coming back to us with pleasure.

Always see the user through the users eyes

Our work is very diverse and wide-ranging. It extends from conception, design and prototyping of new features to overarching design tasks that change our entire otto.de landscape. We often work with UX designers, product managers and other stakeholders to develop ideas for new concepts and features. We do this in discovery workshops and then test those ideas together with our users in our own UX lab. Alternatively, we create online surveys and evaluate them or conduct group discussions - depending on which method is appropriate.

The great part is that we are never lone wolves in these tasks, which makes our work an experience. We learn something new every day and stay up-to-date.

Want to shape the shopping experience of tomorrow?

The possibilities in design are so diverse

The design possibilities are so versatile

At OTTO, we as designers and copywriters ensure a consistent and universally applicable corporate design. At the core, we are responsible for the visual design principles of the OTTO brand and also use these for internal and external design projects. This includes the continuous development of the corporate design specifications and the adaptation for new cases. We continue to develop the typography with our house font, which now has more than 15 weights, and are continually expanding the OTTO icon library. Our tasks also include the OTTO brand language, the corporate language and the creation of brand-defining texts for OTTO.

What we are like: Creative, detail-oriented, structured and strong communicators.

Each designer and copywriter has their own area of responsibility. This can be a major project, such as corporate language as a project owner, or the responsible supervision of an interface. In this area of responsibility, there is the greatest possible autonomy to contribute one's own impulses. At the same time, cooperation and the ability to work in a team are essential qualities in our team. This is demonstrated not least by the fact that there is a lot of laughter in our team.

How we work

In the case of changes to the overall corporate design specifications, we determine the need from our own work, set up a project and create the specifications. This usually happens in cooperation with external experts and internal designers or copywriters. It is important to include many other in-house capabilities, such as strategy, sales and social media experts. Within the framework of our own specifications, we naturally create design and text solutions for brand-relevant projects of various sizes.

People at OTTO

"The focus here is on improving the customer experience within the OTTO app. To achieve this, we're thinking about which features we can develop or which we can optimize."

Hardy, UX Designer and Job Ambassador

UX Designer
UX Designer

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