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July 20, 2023

Our Role Model in Tech


For more diversity and variety: Sophie's vision as Process Manager for Diversity & Inclusion

As Sophie's job title "Process Manager for Diversity & Inclusion" suggests, there is never a dull moment with her. Her goal is to bring more diversity and variety into the teams and thus create a more balanced gender distribution. She has now revealed to us why more diversity is so important for OTTO and what advice Sophie would give to women who are thinking about entering IT.

Sophie - your topic in 3 sentences!

"As a Process Manager for Diversity & Inclusion, I help leaders, teams and individuals create a diverse and inclusive work environment. My goal is to implement diversity and inclusion initiatives so that every* employee is welcomed and valued. By fostering the diverse talents and perspectives of all team members, I help create a positive and productive work atmosphere."

Why is your topic important for OTTO?

"Based on a variety of studies, we know that diverse teams tend to perform better. At OTTO, we recognize the value of a diverse workforce that brings different perspectives and ideas to the table. We understand that diversity in teams can lead to more creative and innovative approaches to solutions, which can ultimately translate into improved business results. In the IT industry in particular, there is often an imbalance with predominantly male colleagues. My role is to identify the reasons for this and bring about long-term change to achieve a more gender balanced workforce."

What excites you most about your job?

"I am really impressed by OTTO's support and openness to diversity. The goal of achieving a balanced ratio of 50/50 women and men in OTTO IT in the long term is something that not many companies strive for. And that is just the beginning. Diversity doesn't just mean having women and men equally in teams, but also diversity in terms of origin, age, sexual orientation and social backgrounds. We are confident that we can achieve these goals and look forward to creating an even more diverse and inclusive work environment at OTTO."

What are you currently working on?

"Currently, my role is still in its infancy. That means I'm intensely engaged with a variety of questions that need to be answered: How can I be effective as a Process Manager for Diversity & Inclusion? What are the challenges related to diversity in IT? What are the current needs of teams? How can I help individuals and teams integrate into a diverse IT team? What does diversity mean for OTTO? Through continuous exchange and comprehensive analysis, I am gradually getting answers to these questions and shaping the role in the process."

What advice would you give to women who are interested in getting into IT?

"Dare! The IT industry offers much more than just programming or playing computer games together with other "nerds". There are so many exciting areas and opportunities to explore. If you are innovative and like to think in a solution-oriented way, that's already a good reason to be interested in IT. Diversity is crucial, especially when it comes to finding solutions. New approaches to solutions, different approaches and challenges that perhaps only you know about - all this enriches the IT landscape. Your experience, your approach, and even your gender help shape a diverse and dynamic IT world."

What were your first points of contact with IT?

"I had my first contact with IT while working as a content manager. Then, when I started at OTTO in 2019, I was involved in a project where we introduced Microsoft Office 365 and migrated data to the cloud. It was an exciting experience that showed me that IT means much more than just programming and data analysis. Over time, I gained a deeper understanding of the many aspects of IT."

That's why women in the tech sector are so important for us!

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