OTTO offers its customers millions of products. Finding the right product in this huge selection is not always easy. That's why we are working on personalized recommendations to guide our customers to the products that best match their preferences. We want to improve our ability to predict in real time which products our customers want to see, add to their shopping cart, and order at any given time during their visit.
To optimize our product recommendations, we specifically reached out to international machine learning communities and research communities to help us evolve. That's why we decided to launch a contest on the popular data science platform Kaggle, offering $30,000 in prize money to the top three entries.
We invite anyone interested in applying machine learning to real-world problems to join. The competition is already underway and will close on January 31, 2023.
A staggering 1,190 teams have already registered to date. We appreciate every submission. Thank you for your support!
Participate until January 2023 in ourKaggle Challenge participate!
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