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December 27, 2023

It's a wrap: Our year 2023

Looking back: The HR marketing year 2023

With the end of the year in sight, we would like to look back on 2023 together. Twelve months full of highlights, events and encounters. Let's look back on the past year together.

Leading Principles reissued

Because we always want to develop further, we brought our mission statement for collaboration back to life at the beginning of the year. These are ten leading principles that we use to align our attitude and behavior. The Leading Principles are also intended to support our colleagues in making decisions. They provide us with a framework for orientation , especially in challenging times, and enable us to achieve our corporate goals quickly, efficiently and sustainably in the long term. Find out more about our culture here.

From Hamburg to Singapore

This year, once again, we were on the move a lot and had the opportunity to connect at numerous events. Whether at our in-house apprentice event, the Gaming Night on our campus, the IT Career Summit, OMR or RecSys in Singapore - we were there! Missed an event? Feel free to take a look at our event calendar.

For more flexibility in everyday life

We understand that everyone's life plans look different, and we want to fully support that. That's why it is now possible to work part-time in any position - including leadership positions. With our new policy, we are focusing on greater gender diversity and supporting flexible work schedules for all our colleagues. Whether you want to spend more time with your family, implement a long-awaited project or simply have a little more time for yourself - together, we decide what your part-time arrangement looks like. Find out more here!

This is new in our application process

As a significant number of our tech teams are now English-speaking, our career website is now completely available in English. Another exciting development for us, but also for all future applicants, is that we are now completely eliminating the cover letter and motivation questions. These components were previously an integral part of our application process and will only be asked of students and school pupils in future. This change allows you to apply to us even faster and more conveniently. Want to know more about this? Then take a look at our job news .

Here you stay up to date what 2024 happens with us!

Our Highlights in Pictures

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