Octothorpe is the technical term for the hash which introduces the optional fragment of an url. The fragment usually tells the browser where to position the page if an anchor tag with the name of the fragment is on that page.
But is this the only way the fragment can be used?
As you can put almost everything into the fragment it can also be used as a method to add query parameters to a page which is not sent to the server and thus can only be evaluated on the client. With this method it is possible to add state to a page without generating a new URL concerning SEO.
Sometimes it is necessary to track an interaction which at the end transitions to a new page. For example a user clicks on a product link on the product list and is immediately directed to the detail view of this product. Lets assume we want to know at which index the product was on the product list so that we can use this information to reorder the sorting on that product list in the future. To receive this information we would have to send a request to a tracking server with a specific key-value pair.
There are some solutions you could think of.
As you may have guessed - we store the tracking information inside the fragment. On the detail view page we extract this information, send the request and afterwards “clean up” the fragment. We decided to use the variable “t” and a json object as value.
Our link looks like this:
<a href=”/p/a-great-shoe-123456#t={‘listposition’:3}”>Shoe</a>
On body load a little javascript snippet (1) reads the fragment of the url, parses the value of variable t and sends this object to our tracking server. After this is done it removes variable t from the fragment. By doing this we make sure that if a user reloads the page or sends the link to a friend the tracking request is not sent again.
For reading and manipulating the fragment we use the open source jQuery plugin “BBQ"(http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-bbq-plugin/)
1) Snippet to extract tracking information and send it to our tracking server:
var trackingHash = $.bbq.getState('t'), t; try { if (trackingHash) { t = JSON.parse(trackingHash); if (t) { sendData(t); // a function to send our data to the tracking server hash = $.deparam.fragment(); delete hash.t; /* we do not want to create a new state in the browser so that the back button still works. */ window.location.replace('#' + $.param(hash)); } } } catch (ignore) { }
Of course tracking is not the only reason to add information to a new page. We also use this technique to execute a javascript function onload based on variables set in the fragment. For example, to open a layer immediately on a page or to directly switch to a tab other than the default tab and even to select the correct variation on a product detail view page.
This is a very good trick and we start using it all the time :)
Your blog is very interesting. You should write all your article in English. I don't speak Deutch.
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