New article in OBJEKTspektrum: Scaling Agile @ OTTO - Learning at Scale
Speed and the ability to change! The basis for this is appropriate structures and framework conditions in the company and the organization's ability to learn: Small, autonomous, interdisciplinary teams that work independently and with a high degree of responsibility toward the corporate goals, that decide what is done. In an uncertain world of rapidly changing demands, these teams must learn. To do this, there must be a learning culture to constantly adapt the how. In the learning culture, we empower people to get creative and find their own way. To do this, we describe the why first and foremost.
In the 04/2016 issue of OBJEKTspektrum, we published an article on the key topic of "Leadership and Management in IT" in which we describe our path to becoming a learning organization.
The article is available as a free download:
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