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Target rate according to FüPoG II

Target rate according to FüPoG II

Act for the Equal Participation of Women and Men in Leadership Positions in the Private Sector and the Public Sector, as amended by the Second Leadership Positions Act.

The Second Leadership Positions Act - FüPoG II - came into force in August 2021. The following information relates to the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Verwaltungsgesellschaft Otto GmbH and the two management levels below the Executive Board of Otto (GmbH & Co KG aA).

A target ratio of at least 25 percent is to be achieved on the Supervisory Board of the Group by February 28, 2023. A target quota of at least 30 percent was set for the management of Verwaltungsgesellschaft Otto GmbH by February 28, 2023. In addition, the proportion of women at the first management level of Otto (GmbH & Co KG aA) below the Executive Board was 27 percent (12 women out of a total of 44 managers) and 30 percent (44 women out of a total of 146 managers) at the second management level as of the deadline of December 31, 2021.

The target quota of 29 percent set in 2017 for the first management level was narrowly undershot despite extensive internal transformation processes. By contrast, the target of 20 percent set in 2017 was exceeded for the second management level. By resolution of March 29, 2022, a target for the proportion of women of 28 percent for the first and 25 percent for the second level below the Executive Board of Otto (GmbH & Co KG aA) was set by December 31, 2025.