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Platz schaffen mit Herz: Erste Gewinnausschüttung an Institutionen

Under the umbrella of its Future Initiative campaign, OTTO launched its 'Creating space – with love' project just over a year ago. In this, OTTO invites its customers to pack up and donate clothing, and has made the whole process very convenient. The first proceeds generated by the campaign are going to three social and environmental institutions and projects.

The idea behind 'Creating space – with love' is simple: for the clothes its customers donate, OTTO makes a financial donation. It's 100% free and very convenient for customers: they just fill a large box with clothing they no longer wear, stick a 'Creating space – with love' freepost parcel label on it and drop it off – that's it.

OTTO launched its sustainability campaign 'Creating space – with love' in March 2014 and has reached out via a range of channels to over 5.5 million customers in just over a year, encouraging them to join in the sustainability campaign from the comfort of their own home. The proceeds that OTTO generates from the campaign’s clothes donations are destined for social and environmental institutions and projects: the first donation of over 25,000 euros has just been made, with the German Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) (10,000 euros), German Agro Action (10,000 euros) and the Aid by Trade Foundation (5,000 euros) as the beneficiaries in this first step.

“Last year we were very excited to see how this initiative would be received – and we are tremendously pleased at the result, as we have so far received over 66,000 packages”, saysClaudia Feltkamp, Senior Project Manager OTTO. “Not only can we point to a great result, but have also been able to set up cooperations with 'Creating space – with love' in our first year. For instance, we have supported a specific project in Burundi and have additionally fired the enthusiasm of upcycling designers for a collaboration with us.”

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