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OTTO reagiert auf Kita-Streik: Kostenlose Kinderbetreuung auf dem Firmengelände

The online retailer OTTO is supporting employees during the day-care centre strike.

Since 8 May, preschool educators have been on permanent strike across Germany. To help OTTO employees hit by this situation the company is offering them several childcare options during this time.

OTTO has set up a system of free childcare at its location for children aged three and over. Preschool educators from an external agency provide childcare, while the company's canteen Kochwerk ensures the children are well fed.

The work-life balance has always had a high priority at OTTO. This is why for many years OTTO has provided a broad package of measures to provide childcare support to employees in challenging situations:

  • with the agreement of their supervisor, parents can also bring their children to work with them employees can make use of an additional children's room at OTTO which combines a workplace and play area
  • for parents of children aged under three, OTTO provides a service which places children in emergency situations with childminders or (partner) day-care centres
  • affected employees can make use of flexitime
  • employees can work from their home office

From the very first day of the strike, affected parents have made use of the various offerings at the OTTO campus in Hamburg.

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