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OTTO-Kampagne: Magische Begegnungen überraschend anders

OTTO’s new fashion campaign launches on 17 March. Its tongue-in-cheek message is that women tell stories differently from men, and have just one thing on their minds – the perfect outfit. With an entertaining TV commercial, creative online and mobile branding measures and high-impact advertising images in print and online media, OTTO is ringing in the Spring/Summer season 2015 and continuing the successful collaboration with the HEIMAT agency from Berlin.

A husband and wife are walking through the jungle – when suddenly a huge gorilla appears. The animal points at the man and beckons him to come closer. Then the most incredible thing happens – from the woman’s point of view: she interrupts the man, and bubbling with enthusiasm describes the dress of another woman who is on the safari too. The end of her husband’s story is lost forever, which doesn’t bother the woman in the least, because her magical encounter is the dress – found at At the heart of the new campaign is the insight that even in the most extraordinary situations, women have their sights on just one prey – fashion.

“Our brand offensive continues with humour and intelligent storytelling, in cooperation with the HEIMAT agency. The success of previous campaigns shows that our customers recognise themselves in our stories, while the moment of surprise and that ‘aha’ effect also win new customers for OTTO. The formula of an original narrative style and high-quality staging of the product range convinces our target group of our company’s feel for fashion and lifestyle”, says Marc Opelt, Member of the OTTO Management Board for Marketing & Sales.

The 30-second TV commercial is one component of the fashion campaign around designed to get customers in the mood for the Spring/Summer season. The campaign is extended to general interest magazines, with screen banners and via the online retailer’s social-media channels. There will be bonus material on YouTube, for example, plus other original clips. At, a ‘Jungle Safari’ Trend Shop with outfits for spring and summer awaits visitors.

The film was shot by the French director Reynald Gresset and cameraman Damien Morisot, with Fivethreedoubleninety producing the campaign films. Media planning was handled by Pilot, Hamburg and renowned fashion photographer Tina Luther was responsible for the print images.

The first joint campaign by OTTO and the Berlin agency HEIMAT was launched in 2013. Since the start of the attention-grabbing brand offensive the target group has shown a clear increase in interest for OTTO and the brand has gained a stronger profile. At the same time, visits to climbed noticeably during the campaign periods. The slogan ‘found – at’ was picked up frequently by users on social-media channels and has high recognition value. In the past year, the OTTO ads developed by HEIMAT received the ‘advertising Oscar’, the Effie Award, amongst other prizes

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