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Markenoffensive mit Durchschlagskraft

900 days after the start of the brand offensive, online retailer OTTO reports a convincing interim result: stronger advertising impact, more visits to and increased demand for advertised products confirm the success of the broad-based market and brand offensive. The latest fashion campaign for Autumn/Winter 2015 launches on 1 September.

An overview of the campaign results:

  • Launch of the brand offensive with HEIMAT, Berlin: 900 days ago, on 10 March 2013
  • Number of campaigns: nine campaigns with 14 TV commercials, 15 print designs and 229 online and mobile branding materials
  • Impact of TV commercials at highest level: increase in unprompted advertisement recall, brand recognition and popularity of ads
  • OTTO campaigns are memorable: advertisement recall doubled between 2012 and 2015 from 23 to 48 per cent
  • OTTO campaigns are liked: the top 2 boxes in the Popularity categories increased from 14 (2012) to 21 per cent (2015)
  • ‘Found – at’ triggers clicks and activation: average increase of click rates on during campaign period was 33 per cent.
  • The claim is spreading: a quarter of all people who watched the commercial remember the ‘Found – at’ claim unprompted.
  • The slogan becomes a meme: the slogan is often used on Twitter and Facebook for puns and parodies. In 2015, 74 per cent of the campaign-related social media contributions were memes.
  • Hero Articles from print and TV booming: demand for the dress from the Magical Encounters campaign increased by over 550 per cent
  • More visits, more new customers: after the campaign launch in spring 2013, the number of new customers rose by around a quarter in the first half-year
  • Campaigns clean up in award season: ADC Award in Bronze and Silver, Effie in Silver and the Golden Clapperboard.

“We are very satisfied with the results to date of the brand offensive”, says Marc Opelt, Member of the OTTO Management Board, Sales and Distribution. “The image transformation at OTTO is fully under way. However, that is no reason for us to be self-satisfied or rest on our laurels. In the new campaign we are once more completely focused on our objectives: we want to get the OTTO brand into the heads of our target group and push through the image transformation for the brand. Whenever online shopping is mentioned, our target female customer should immediately think of”, continues Opelt.

The new OTTO fashion campaign starts from 1 September 2015 and, with OTTO’s customary wink-and-a-grin, it speaks to an open secret regarding fashion for many women: there’s always a good reason to buy a new piece of clothing – and if there isn’t, she will invent one. The campaign shows that in the hunt for reasons to justify the next purchase, creativity knows no limits. A 35-second TV commercial will be book-ended by a print ad campaign and online measures which pick up on further humorous, ironic reasons and celebrate online shopping. The campaign will also be extended to OTTO’s social media channels.

The Autumn/Winter campaign was created in collaboration with HEIMAT, Berlin. It was implemented with CZAR Film and director Martin Werner, and fashion photographer Anja Boxhammer.

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