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Employer Branding: Recruitingfilme mit Corporate Influencern von OTTO

Passion, change, and the future are the focal points the three recruitment video spots released by the Hamburg-based online retailer – with its own employees in the leading roles.

A dim light covers Hamburg… and a woman’s silhouette gradually appears. She’s looking over the city’s rooftops, observing the bustle beneath her and thinking: "Change in life usually means chaos at first." The OTTO Job Ambassadors use fast-changing imagery with futuristic projections to describe their passion as well as their vision of work and the future.

The three new recruitment video spots are consistent with the online retailer’s current HR marketing strategy, and depict real employees making real statements. "We didn’t want to produce run-of-the-mill employer videos. Our objective was to ignite passion and generate attention among talented potential recruits", explains HR Marketing Analyst Frauke Wengerowski.

OTTO Jobs – Spot: Future

OTTO launched its Job Ambassador Programme back in October 2017. Since then, more than 160 employees have signed up for various training courses and have been trained as OTTO Job Ambassadors. "The new video spots represent another vital element for our digital employer brand. In order to outmanoeuvre our competition when hiring potential talents we provide genuine insights and make our passion tangible – nobody can do this better than our employees themselves. Deploying your own people as ambassadors is fully aligned with this insight, as they embody our company culture", says Katy Roewer, Member of the OTTO Management Board, Service and HR.

The other:

OTTO Jobs – Spot: Change
OTTO Jobs – Spot: Passion

Die wichtigsten Fakten zu den Spots auf einen Blick:

  • Format: Drei Spots und weitere Content-Formate
  • Concept & Production: Jan Brockmann / 27 Kilometer Entertainment GmbH
  • Camera: Sin Huh

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