SOFT, SMOOTHING PROPERTIES: This beard serum has softening properties that will leave you hair silky smooth. Inspire inner confidence through your outward, well groomed appearance.
A HEALTHY, MORE COOPERATIVE BEARD: The importance of hydrating your beard should not be ignored, since it can severely reduce the harmful effects of beard itch, and the product ...
DEEPLY MOISTURIZE YOUR HAIR: Moisturize your hair - and keep it that way throughout the day - with the beard serum. Using this unique mixture, never worry about dry and unsightl...
Dieses Serum bietet die perfekte Mischung aus Feuchtigkeitscremes, die Ihren Bart nicht belasten und für ein natürliches, nicht fettiges Finish sorgen. Feuchtigkeitsspendende, nicht komedogene Formel, geeignet für alle Hauttypen.
Menge in Millilitern
60 ml
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