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Sammelkarte March of the Machine The Aftermath Collector Booster Display Englisch

lieferbar - in 3-4 Werktagen bei dir
169,00 €
Oder 15,44 € mtl. in 12 Raten
100 Tage Zahlpause für 5,92
Verkäufer: Michas-eShop
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Artikel-Nr. S0LA100Z
  • March of the Machine: The Aftermath is a micro set that fills the story between sets.
  • Each Collector Booster contains 6 Magic: The Gathering cards rich in history, including 4 rare or higher
  • Get 5-6 foil cards in each pack, including 2 foil etched cards and one possible halo foi
  • Collector boosters are an abbreviation to the coolest cards in a set, with packs full of rare cards, glossy foil cards, and special alt-art cards
  • English Version
The battle may have won but the multiverse will never be like it used again. Many surviving planeswalkers have lost their sparks, but the paths between the worlds are now open to all. Expand your March of the Machine Collection and get a first glimpse into the future, with the return of Showcase card borders from the entire multiverse, storied cards and the return of popular mechanics to spice up your decks.


SerienbezeichnungMarch of the Machine
Altersempfehlungab 13 Jahren

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